Week 5 of the Spring 2019 One Room Challenge! Since getting back from Mexico and Arizona, I’ve been busy getting everything together! This week was all about the last details. If you’re new to the ORC, here’s a little bit about it!
The One Room Challenge is a bi-annual interior design event where over 3,000 rooms are transformed. It’s led by 20 featured designers, in addition to over 200 guest participants! Every Wednesday & Thursday, blog posts are uploaded to show the room transformations. It will provide participants with a supportive, enthusiastic forum in which to share the process of transforming a room.
2 Weeks ago, I was torn between taking a very old poem that my grandma wrote, and re-doing it in another font, or putting it in a different frame. When I took it out of the current frame, it was clear to me. The paper had aged so much, that I had to keep it. I wanted to add some drama to it, so I enclosed it between 2 pieces of glass and tore the edges. I love the way it turned out.
The hanging chair, I decided to hang from a beam. When I first started this venture, I was going to hang it at the head of my eat in kitchen table. I love the route that I went, because it looks like it was meant to be there. The shelf next to it, will also get something above it to brighten the space up. It will also include a freebie!
The next thing, is the pantry door. I wanted to do something completely different with it. Something I hadn’t seen on Pinterest. Which is hard. I decided that I was going to trim it out and put something in the middle. I thought burlap at first, then a textured curtain and ended up with wallpaper. Since it took my amazing and patient husband and I nearly 4 hours to finish this, you’ll have to wait for the reveal to see it. But, here is what we did: we took 2 trim pieces and glued them together with wood glue. We don’t have a miter saw, so we did the 45 degree angles with a table saw. Have you ever tried that? Yea, not good. Then came the wallpaper. Which, my amazing friend gifted to me, but I cut it wrong. Picture it: trying to squeeze the exact same size wallpaper as the trim up through the slits under the trim on the door.
Good times. See you next week for the reveal!
Paint room + trimPaint chandelier over tableReplace fanHandles for dresserHang rattan chair- Add wood mantle
Redo pantry doorNew dining chairs cushions
I’m loving this process and hope you’re loving it too! Follow me over on Instagram for my progress. Remember to follow along and check out the featured designers and guest participants!